Well Hello, everyone my name is Lewie and I am Bisexual But I am more comfortable with being with women then men. I have went threw my share of teasing and bullying but I'm here to say it gets better, life gets better friends get better but all that comes with Patience time perseverance and love. You have to learn to love yourself and love others even if they don't accept you its fine. Walking threw life hiding who you are is never fun. Some times I feel like being in the closet means I am hiding who I am. Like I'm walking threw life and not fully living it. But now I am in school and I have the power to be who i want to be and it has made me walk
threw life with a new confidence though I Had to hide who I am at home I don't have to hid who I am at school I get the freedom to live THE life I feel like I was made to live and make mistakes an experiment with my sexuality. I guess the shame and burden of carrying this around is so much better when i get to release it. Before you'll get to this I grew up in a religious household, I am African from west Africa and I am also a pre-pharmacy major, I'm a normal teenage girl. I just prefer to be around other beautiful women. Don't get mad at me i will be posting more blogs about being gay this was a spur of the moment post so it's not very organized. Just Random Thoughts
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